Our Services
About Our Services
At our office we use some of the latest advances in holistic health to treat a wide range of conditions. Some of our services include:
Chiropractic Care
We treat a wide range of injuries illnesses, and general health.
Clinical Nutrition Testing
We treat general health, injuries, illnesses, weight loss and nutrition.
Natural Therapies
Advanced & specialized treatments to address all types of injuries & illnesses.
Trigger Point
Myofascial Release
Kinesiology Taping
Webster Technique and Pregnancy
Ionic Detox Footbath
And more…
What Our Clients Are Saying...
Herbal Minute – Inflammation
Learn how herbs can be used to eliminate stress and anxiety. In this video we'll go over what herbs are and which herbs you can use to help with both stress and anxiety.
Herbal Minute – Eliminate Stress & Anxiety
Learn how herbs can be used to eliminate stress and anxiety. In this video we'll go over what herbs are and which herbs you can use to help with both stress and anxiety.
How to Have a Healthy Heart (Cardiovascular Disease)
Find out what Cardiovascular Disease really is. And what it's real causes are. Bonus: You'll learn how to lower your risk! Middlesex Chiropractic Center 1158 Pittsburgh Rd Ste 201 Valencia, PA 16059...
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