Chiropractic Care

Will Chiropractic Care Treat my Condition?

Chiropractic care can help with a number of different conditions. In general some of those include but are not limited to back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, car accident, personal injuries, sports injuries, chronic pain, migraines and headaches, sciatica, weak immune systems, flexibility, overall wellness, and more.

To see if chiropractic care can treat your condition it’s best to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cimperman.

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Chiropractic Techniques

We are trained, experienced and proficient in the following chiropractic techniques.


Sacro Occipital Technique

Diversified Technique

Arthrostim Chiropractic Adjusting

Thompson Drop Table Technique

Meet Dr. Cimperman

B.S., D.C., C.C.S.P., ACN

Dr. Larry K. Cimperman treats most of the chiropractic patients at Middlesex Chiropractic Center. Dr. Cimperman is a 1986 graduate of Life Chiropractic College.

Dr. Cimperman is board certified by the National Board of Chiropractic. He holds a post graduate degree, and is both a certified Chiropractic Sports Physician, and a Fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture. He is also a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Health and Physical Education.

SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique)

Sacro Occipital Technique  (also referred to as SOT) – This is a specific chiropractic technique that uses triangular-shaped blocks usually placed under the pelvis of the prone or supine patient to treat problems identified in the pelvis and low back. Low force, slow pressure types of manipulations/adjustments may be used to address joint problems identified in the skull.  SOT may be used as an exclusive treatment technique or as an adjunct method of patient management.

The Sacro Occipital Technique is a commonly used chiropractic technique developed by osteopath and chiropractor Major Bertrand DeJarnette. The name refers to the sacrum or “tail bone” (the last major bone of the spinal column) and the occiput or base of the skull. The technique is based on normalizing the relationship between these two ends of the spinal column. The Sacro Occipital Technique itself is performed by analyzing the condition of the patient’s spine in three positions – vertical, prone (lying face down), and supine (lying face up). The SOT practitioner then analyzes the nerve health and flow of cerebro-spinal fluid from the brain to the spine, and makes adjustments to improve this flow.  During this process the practitioner may palpate the skull to make adjustments to the actual cranial bones, while simultaneously massaging or “pumping” various vertebrae to remove blockages that could interfere with cerebro-spinal fluid flow. The doctor often uses the weight of the patient’s own body to correct abnormalities in the body. For example, treatment may involve placing wedge-shaped blocks under certain parts of the body to realign the pelvis as the patient reclines on them.

Like other chiropractic techniques, SOT seeks to correct abnormalities in the spine that produce back, arm, and leg pain, headaches, and dizziness. Patients suffering from migraines, neck and shoulder pain, fatigue and nervous disorders can benefit immediately from Sacro-Occipital manipulation. However the main goal of a chiropractic SOT treatment is not to eliminate or reduce pain, it is to normalize the function of the brain and spinal cord, which constitute the central nervous system. The Sacro-Occipital Technique seeks to improve the overall transmission of nerve impulses from the brain down the spine and to other areas of the body.

Equal emphasis is placed in SOT treatment on the proper positioning of the pelvis. The spine and skull, shoulders and arms are supported above the pelvis, and the legs and feet are supported below. Thus an improperly aligned pelvis can cause postural irregularities, problems with normal functioning of the skull and jaw, and muscular dysfunction. As the name sacro-occipital implies, SOT treatment focuses on both ends of the spine, because they are so interrelated. By correcting imbalances both in the skull and in the pelvis, communication is improved along the entire spinal column.

Diversified Technique

We are highly trained and experienced in the Diversified Technique. It is the most common adjusting technique used by chiropractors, and it is designed to restore proper intersegmental vertebral motion and alignment of your spine. It is the main technique taught at most chiropractic schools, and it has proven very effective for treating back pain, neck pain, and a number of othermusculoskeletal problems. The Diversified Technique involves quick hand- delivered thrusts that are meant to return your

joints back into their natural positions. The process is usually accompanied by a popping noise, which is the gas being released from your joints due to rapid changes in pressure. This technique can be used on many different parts of the body, but it is most commonly used to perform spinal adjustments. The main goal of the Diversified Technique is to reduce pain and restore range of motion to your joints.

Arthrostim Chiropractic Adjusting

The benefits of the Arthrostim chiropractic adjusting instrument creates a more specific, targeted, longer lasting, and effective adjustment. Arthrostim adjusting takes the scare factor out for some patients and eases fears from patients who might otherwise never seek chiropractic care. The attraction is that the lower force that is required for adjustment when compared to manual adjusting, but more effective and a lot safer.

The Arthrostim is an adjusting instrument that our patients have said is superior to manual adjustments. The Arthrostim device is more specific than a manual adjustment as it can be adjusted to deliver from a few ounces of force up to 40 pounds of force to a specific point on the body. The force is adjusted depending on the initial pressure placed upon the patient’s body by the practitioner. Because of the low impact and specify all of the body can be adjusted: back, neck, toes, ears, head, and even newborns.

The ArthroStim instrument delivers 12 thrusts per second. Twelve hertz is a higher frequency than that achieved with more traditional adjustment devices. This frequency is known as the “low beta somatomotor rhythm.” 12 hertz is also on the same wave length as alpha brain waves. In an alpha brain wave pattern the brain is a more relaxed and effortless alertness. By sending 12 hertz signals the body become more relaxed. Alpha waves appear when you are still awake, but in a state of relaxed and effortless alertness. Alpha waves are associated with relaxation, meditation, and daydreaming. More importantly, the alpha state is associated with creativity, super learning, and “being in the zone.” The best professional athletes often function from alpha in their biggest games, totally unfazed by critical situations and coming up with one spectacular play after another. Navy SEALS train to function in alpha on missions so that stress and danger do not compromise their decision making.

Thompson Drop Table Technique

We are trained, experienced and proficient using Thompson Drop Table Technique. This technique was developed in 1957 by Dr. Clay Thompson, and is a slight variation of the Diversified Technique. The main difference is that the Thompson Technique utilizes a special table with sections that drop when pressure is applied. When the doctor uses hand pressure to adjust your joints, the table drops down slightly in certain sections to minimize the force needed to perform an adjustment. This helps move joints through their

range of motion and helps to decrease pain or discomfort during the process. need of adjustment. The Thompson Technique is especially effective for the treatment of pain in the lower back and pelvis. Unlike the Diversified Technique, there is often no popping noise heard when the Thompson Technique is used.

What Our Clients Are Saying...

I cannot thank you enough for your understanding and support through
some difficult times. It is refreshing to work with someone who provides the utmost in professionalism and kindness.
Jane S.

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